Member-only story
How Law Of Attraction Techniques Reduce Trauma
LOA without the spooky metaphysics, I swear!

Cognitive reframing techniques, popular in LOA and positive psychology, are being used to treat victims of PTSD.
Three blogs ago, in a piece entitled Memory – How Much Confidence Can One Place In It?, I spoke about how memory is formed, stored and even manipulated through a process called confabulation.
These discussions on behavioural neuroscience have been loosely framed around an illuminating new book I was invited to review. A science writer and presenter from University of Cambridge’s Institute of Continuing Education authored Overloaded: How Every Aspect of Your Life is Influenced by Your Brain Chemicals.
Today, I wish to show how the manipulation of memory through cognitive reframing techniques, promoted so heavily in the law of attraction and positive psychology, are being used to treat people with post-traumatic stress disorder or PTSD.