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Low-Intensity Treatments For Mental Illness
Rethinking traditional modes of psychiatry

The need for immediate, evidence-based, inexpensive support is so acute in our day and age!
If you follow my scribblings, you know that I’ve been discussing mental illness extensively. Throughout the past five or so psychology blogs, I’ve especially homed in on a needed break from costly, inaccessible and long term traditional treatment to a focus on immediate and progressive approaches in mental healthcare.
For example, I’ve detailed wonderful options available by way of app-based therapy. Wearables like Fitbits and smart watches are breaking much ground in the area of physical and mental health monitoring. This will go a long way in early detection of threatening disorders. There are also some incredible public initiatives like Strongest Families Institute (SFI) and ACCESS Open Minds (AOM) which use sophisticated software, operated by coaches (mental health support staff), to offer immediate respite for our youth, by customizing treatments and adapting methods to the individual’s specific needs. These are only a few items we’ve looked at.